The main objective of the “Vinyl is Back” event is to be established as a repeating music festive event for all the music maniacs which will take place twice a year!  The “Vinyl is Back” event was set up in order to signify the final and permanent return of vinyl discs and also to constitute an effective platform in order all the involved parts to set down in terms of process, production, reproduction and sales (music recording companies, instruments of reproduction and management, shops, private individual collectors).

The development of the “Vinyl is Back” event as a mean of communication with a creative content, commercial contacts and transactions will create a significant benchmark not only in a local level but also as a  long term  tradition ,where  all the lovers of vinyl discs will meet and share their love and knowledge on the music industry.  The main objective is the exploitation of music and the systematic communication with potential purchasers, also the growth of the sector through the new generations of music lovers in the “magic” of vinyl discs and record-players.

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